Saturday, August 29, 2009

cme project

name:chew yee kiat (23)
video 3
do homework before playing
-plan a time table
-always study a test beforehand

1b)Decide to do:

-lie to parents
-play games too much to the extend of not doing homework
-cheating in test

2a)Decide not to do:

-The time that had been spent playing the game

2b)Decide what to do:

-To lie
-Not to study
- do homework
3a)What consequence I would have:


3b)What consequences i would have to face:

-Disappointment from parents

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

cme project

name: chew yee kiat (23)
group member:
feng yue ting (2)
Mandy ong (15)
Priscilla lim (16)
zaneith leow (35)
[1]story write-up
One of the Olympic game values is excellence, the paralympians work hard and try their best to be excellent in the sport they are playing. They will not give up although they knew that they will lose in the competition, they still give their all to compete in the race. They are not going to give up as they want to be proud of their country even if they are physically disable and they wanted to prove that they are no difference from any normal human beings. Examples are: Michael Phelps, he did not give up even though he did not win a medal, he stills continue to train himself to swim better then before and finally made a name for himself in he next upcoming swimming competition. This shows that he have the value of excellence.
The next Olympic values are friendship, when the paralympians were racing to be the first, even if they lose they are still making friends with each other. They will not destroy their friendship with each other even if his or her friends wins the race, they will still be friends and they will hope to fight together again and see who will win the next competition.
The other value is respect, they will respect the opponents who they are playing against, he will respect him even though they have to fight with each other in order to win. If they cheat, it will not be a fair game and the person will not respect him but instead despise him. In order to be a fair game, they must not cheat but follow the rules. Then they will be able to gain respect this way.
[2] past photo

[3]recent photo

4] self-reflection
I feel that a paralympians can do many things although being not normal like any other people; they can run play and have fun although physical disabilities. I think that being physical disabilities does not mean you cannot live like a normal person you can run about playing sport and they can even do better that some normal people. I think that they are very proud of them as they can do thing with out being physical disabilities and they do not give up desire knowing they will lose, they will try they best to complete the game. They make many friend while having sport and they will not lose a friend went they friend win the game, they will tell the friend that he\she did very well and I day you want to win him\her in the game, and they play with fair play, they do not cheat or push people so they will win,it is not fair of the other as they work so hard and they lose because one cheat.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

cme values

one of the Olympic game values is excellence.the paralympian work hard and try their best to be excellence in the sport they play.they will not give up although they know they will lose the game,they will give all they have to compute the race.they are not going to give up as they wish that they want to be proud of their country as they have physical disability but they can still do better than some other normal person.

next they have friendship ,when they were racing to be first,even if they lose they are making friend. they will not destroy they friendship if one win the race,they will still be friend and they will hope to fight to win first together.

respect,they will respect the people that he play with,he will respect him as the will not said any bad thing to the person if the person win the game.they will not cheat they will play with fair play,they will not cheat anyone that play the sport.they will respect the jue word if we lose we must lose will pride as we try our best to win.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009